Photography workshops

Photography workshops are my great pedagogical passion 😉 I have always liked sharing knowledge and experience, and discovering the secrets of photography is pure pleasure – I meet people who share my passion, we have a lot of common topics, and I can (if necessary for hours) talk about what I love. And I get paid for it… 😉 What more could you want?

I organize everything you need: make-up, models, studio and, if necessary, outdoors or indoors. I care about meals, coffee and a good atmosphere. And I provide as much knowledge as possible with an emphasis on practice – a short introduction and then as much of my own work as possible under my supervision. And after all – if you want and you’re not afraid 😉 – I can review your best works if you send them to me by e-mail.

I invite you to participate in courses, training and workshops – both group and individual. Over the many years of my work as a photographer, I have had the opportunity to conduct many such trainings – also for photographers from abroad (including from the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway and Russia). I have run workshops and photography groups in schools (high school, primary school) as well as in various institutions (e.g. the International Cultural Center in the Main Market Square in Krakow).

If you want to look at some testimonials – click here and visit my workshops fanpage on Facebook

A few quotes from testimolnials:

I’ve been to three workshops with Pawel and always had a jolly good time.
Are Knudsen

Always well organized, great models, and very socially workshops.
Finn Rune Christiansen

Great models and locations, and off course the other people behind did a great job.
Frode Andersen

It has been a great photo experience as well as a great social experience, working with a group of entusiastic photographers in addition to the friendly and helpful instructor.
Ole-Inge Næss

Has been on a lot of workshops with Pawel and can say that he is a great instructor and helps with what you want.
Martin Stamnes

The trainers were great as was the catering and social events. Highly recommended.
Colin Mongardi

What can I offer?

During the workshops, I provide students with comprehensive assistance at every stage of their photographic development. I help beginners in the proper setting of the camera, light and model, and I advise even more advanced photographers how to find the best composition or a more interesting lamp setting. For the most advanced users, I simply let them enjoy taking photos, limiting themselves to small hints. I am always available if you have any questions or doubts.

Individual workshops and courses

  • the subject matter of such a course is determined in consultation with the student – in terms of his needs and what he wants to learn – e.g. portraits, children and family photography, photography in the studio or outdoors, etc.).
  • If the topic of the course requires it, I provide excellent, experienced models as well as support from a make-up artist, thanks to which the work is smooth, effective and guarantees good results
  • After the workshop, each student can send me up to 20 photographs for critical analysis – I point out all the positives and errors, explaining as precisely as possible how to correct them.
  • emphasis on practice – a short theoretical part and then exercises
  • I have a well-equipped studio

Group workshops

  • the topics of the workshops can be imposed in advance (e.g. portrait workshops, family photography workshops, pin up workshops, etc.) or if a given group has its own idea and expectations regarding the topic, we can define the scope together
  • If the topic of the course requires it, I provide excellent, experienced models as well as support from a make-up artist, thanks to which the work is smooth, effective and guarantees good results
  • if – as in the case of retro or pinup photography – props are needed, I can provide appropriate outfits or objects and also choose appropriate locations
  • I have a well-equipped studio
  • After the workshop, each student can send me up to 20 photographs for critical analysis – I point out all the positives and errors, explaining as precisely as possible how to correct them.

The gallery below documents selected workshops that I had the pleasure of conducting:

Below is a gallery of sample photos taken by workshop participants