20:30 – 21.00 Welcome meeting at Pawel’s studio – ul. Nowohucka 44. We will get to know each other and go through the program for the weekend.
21.00 – 22.00 Quick ca. one hour warm-up shoting in the evening – short shooting in the studio, just for fun – boudoir photoshoot – sexy lingerie helps to create wonderful pictures.
09:00 – 12:30 We will meet at 9.00 AM at Pawel’s studio and start from quick coffee and around 10.00 1st photoshoot is planned: artistic nude low key. We will make bodyscape shots. I almost finished negotiations with beautiful 19 years old model who will pose for You.
12:45 – 13:30 Lunch – we will order some tasty food to the studio 😉
13.30-14.00 Short break for quick coffee and analysing pictures from 1st photoshoot
14.00 – 17.00 Second Saturday’s photoshoot – different lighting nudes made on our special black cyclorama. We will use different lighting setups and props to create more beautiful shots. This time the light is not only from the model’s back like on the 1st shooting.
20:30 Official workshop dinner in a nice restaurant Fab Fusion. The restaurant is in a popular butique hotel on Kazimierz and offers great fusion cusine. If you decide to book a room in this hotel (I have special discount code for you) you will have very short way from a dinner to your room ;-)))

9.30-12.00 Workshop session 3: Fashion nude. We meet in my studio: ul. Nowohucka 44
We will do pictures using transparent fabrics, tulle etc. And we will work with typical tall and slim fashion model.
12.30-13.15 Lunch in the studio
13.30 – 17.00 2nd studio photoshoot. High key artistic nude. We will shoot delicate pictures, bright and full of light. We will use only white background and white props to achive our goal – stunning high key nudes
17.00 – 17.30 Workshop final – short summing up + good-bye drink
The workshop teaching concept was created for amateur and hobby photographers on basic and intermediate level but the models, locations and styling allows to practice even the professionals. The number of participants is always an important question because it influences the shooting time for everyone. We will work in the studio but if we have bigger amount of participants I will preapre second shooting floor i the room next to the main studio to make your work comfortable. So, for this workshop, we have a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 10 person. If we will have 7 or more praticipants I will create 2nd shooting place in my studio (other room) with 2nd model to give You a chance for comfortable shooting. So invite Your friends because You will have another model and another different scene to shoot.
Read some testimonials and references about my workshop on my Facebook workshop profile
Pawel Wodnicki
- In photography business for many years.
- I’m focused on portrait, food, cosplay, commercial/advertising, fashion and nude art photography.
- I work in my own studio in Krakow
- More:
The most important awards, publications and exhibitions:
- FIAP Silver Medal – fine art nude category – Open-air Photo Prague 2015
- PSA Gold Medal – fine art nude category – The 8th International Salon-Circuit of Art Photography “With love to Women” 2013
- Chairman’s Award “Best Portrait” – Bavarian International Circuit 2015 – Germany
- DPA Silver Medal – fine art nude category – 1st International Salon of Photography “BOKA 2014” Montenegro 2014
- FIAP honorable mention on FIAP Salon – Exposed 2011
- FIAP honorable mention on FIAP Salon – With love to Woman 2012, Ukraine In 2015
I realised a lot of cosplay projects for the biggest Polish computer gaming website: SA.
Clik the link to visit my artistic nude portfolio – You will find more works there.
- “Gwiazdozbiór Wodnika” (“Constellation Aquarius” – wordplay in Polish – pictures of stars so constellation and Aquarius in Polish is Wodnik) – exhibition of my famous actor’s portraits in Krakow, Augustow, Oswiecim, Krynica and Zwierzyniec between 2016-2022
- “Backlight” – monthly artistic nude exhibition in popular club RE in Krakow
- “Little Precious” – monthly exhibition of kids portrait in Culca Club in Krakow
- “Portraits” – monthly exhibition of portraits in Konfederacka 4 in Krakow
- My works was also presented on exhibiotions after contests (i.e. Wroclaw, Kiev, Lviv, Sydney
Pictures was publicated in many magazines (i.e. „Elle”, “Snap me”, “Vege”, “Miasto Kobiet”, “National Geographic Traveller” (Poland), “Kamera Kunst Magazin” (Germany), “Scene” (Singapore) and many others.
Styling team:
Very experienced and tallented professionalists – makeup artists and hairstylists.
- Communicative level of English and Your own photo equipment – camera + lenses.
- External system flash and reflectors are welcome but are not obligatory.
Are You interested in joing the workshop?
- First step is sending an e-mail or Facebook message to Pawel and declaring Your interest.
- Until 7th August special Facebook group and the workshop registration form will be launched and than You have to register and pay the first part of workshop fee.
- The full workshop cost is 800 EURO!
- The price includes: the workshop, models, makeup artists, hairstylist, fashion nude costumes, 2 lunches, 1 dinner and the extreme excitement of the workshop 😉
- The cost does not include traveling costs and accommodation but if you want I can offer you special discounted prices for rooms in nice butique hotel on Kazimierz.
- A registration fee of 250 EUR must be paid immediately after your registration within 3 days.
- The remaining amount must be paid in two steps:
– 2nd part of the fee – 250 EUR paid until 30th of August - – the rest of the fee – 300 EUR paid until the 15th of September
- Your workshop place booking is only secured after paying the 1st registration fee in 3 days.
We require a minimum of six participants to hold the workshop. In case the workshop is cancelled (because of lack of participants or other by organizer side) all payments will be refunded.
In case of cancellation by participants: Until one month before the workshop payments beyond the registration fee of 250 EUR will be fully refunded. From one month until two weeks before 50 % of full workshop fee will be refunded. No refund if cancellation during the last two weeks before the workshop
Pawel Wodnicki – because of everyday professional duties (photoshoots etc) contact by e-mail is prefered:
mobile: +48 508 360 054